Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The other day my mom and I went to Benihana for my mom’s birthday. This place is kind of pricey but very worth your money. The best time to go is happy hour for the sushi. But it gets crowded at night (so it’s good to get there early and since they don’t open until 11a.m. They have a bar, a sushi bar and a side for teppanyaki.

The Service, they are super super nice and very attentive. They make sure your cup is always filled and when you are ready you get the bill fast. (They also sing if it is your birthday {totally embarrassed my mom}) The chef comes out and cooks right in front of you (and you get a little show). They like to be funny and show they have fun doing their job.

The atmosphere, It is very warm and inviting. The first thing you see when you walk up is how it is totally done up as if you are in china (as if I know what china looks like) Then you walk in and you go to the desk and they give you a checker (the thingy that vibrates and flashes when its your turn) 
This is also a place where you either go with a big group and sit at one table or go like my mom and I did and get put with 2 other parties.  This is good if you are semi social.

The food, How do I explain the food??? Excellent, phenomenal, delicious, amazing, flavorful, cooked the way you like it. The list goes on and on. But I must say they have the best teppanyaki. We had the hibachi chicken and my mom had the hibachi steak, and I must say (say it with me) yummmmmmmm! We also indulged in a half sushi roll I had the “crunchy roll” and my mom had the “spicy tuna roll “They are so good you can taste the freshness.

I would definitely be going back and they have a repeat customers. 

P.S. I have a facebook come and check it out please! Click here

What we had:

 Im not a big salad eater but this one was pretty good
 The soup is pretty good its very warm and yummy
 A very yummmmmmmmmmmy sushi roll
 Chicken Fried Rice...... Oh My Gawd!!!!!
 Moms plate
 my plate.
 Our menu
 Part of the show hes making us rice!!!

 The onion volcano
Happy Birthday to my wonderful mom!!!!! Her Dessert
 The vibrating flashy thingy (i dont like these things)

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