Friday, October 5, 2012

Amazon Brazilian Barbeque

Today October 2nd 2012 *My Birthday*
(I’m Running behind sorry)
Today My mom my grandma and I went to Amazon and well I must say it is a good amount  of food and well sad to say it is a bit expensive($15.95 per person). Ok (Warning) This is a meat place but there is a small salad bar. The salad bar has some things that I like but others I don’t really like but if you go you have to have their cheese balls( one of my favorite things from the salad bar). The meat is heavenly. So juicy, flavorful, and wow SO good. They have so many flavors of meats and they bring it around on spears. The people are very nice. They will talk to you. There are normally 2 or 3 servers but the funny part is that they never fall behind in serving and if they are not busy they will ask what type of meat you want (mine is sausage).  They are all very nice and very persistent. The way they decorated it with the imprints on the walls and all of the little statues everywhere. If you look in the planter near the entrance there are more little statues it kind of makes you feel like you are in the jungle (except the back ground ).  They have a water fall inside and to have that and low Brazilian music playing makes it all around good experience.

The type of food:
Top Sirloin
BBQ Chicken
Tri-Tip Roast
Rib Eye
Garlic Steak
Pepper Steak
Skirt Steak
Brazilian Sausage
Beef Shish Kabob
Chicken heart
Pork Spare Ribs
Turkey wrapped in Bacon
BBQ Pineapple

 Their cheese bread
Our Waiters.

 It was my birthday and they gave me this :D

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